
Monday 24 September 2012

Jquery Date picker to display only month and year or only week

Customization of jquery Datepicker to select date by week,month and year.

          JQuery support nice customization features. In this tutorial we will see how to customize JQuery Date picker to select by week,by month and by year.

1)Select Week :As below image shows that week is highlighted  which allows user to select week. When week is selected it set the Monday's date in input box.

Jquery Date picker to select week only
      To achieve above customization with jquery date picker, use following code :.

Click Here to View Demo

//replace  selectWeek with your date pickers id here at all places
$(function(//this is onload
            firstDay : 1, // set first day of week as monday
            changeMonth : true, // provide option to select Month
            changeYear : true, // provide option to select year
            showButtonPanel : true, // button panel having today and done button
        onClose : function(dateText, inst) {
                  if ($(this).val() == "") {
                  // below code will calculate the monday and set it in input box
                  var fromDate = $("#selectWeek").datepicker("getDate");
                  var date = fromDate.getDate();
                  var month = fromDate.getMonth() + 1;// +1 as jan is 0
                  var year = $(
                  "#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val();
                  if (fromDate.getDay() != 1) { // if not monday
                        if (fromDate.getDay() == 0) {// if sunday
                              date = date - 6;
                        } else {
                              date = date + (-fromDate.getDay() + 1);
                  var dateStr = month + "/" + date + "/" + year;
                  $(this).blur();// remove focus input box
            duration : 0,

            onChangeMonthYear : function() {
                  setTimeout("applyWeeklyHighlight()", 100);
                  },// applyWeeklyHighlight is below
                  beforeShow : function() {
                        setTimeout("applyWeeklyHighlight()", 100);
});//end of onload

 * Set highhlight on the week on hover.
function applyWeeklyHighlight() {

      $('.ui-datepicker-calendar tr').each(function() {

            if ($(this).parent().get(0).tagName == 'TBODY') {
                  $(this).mouseover(function() {
                              'background' : '#ffffcc',
                              'border' : '1px solid #dddddd'
                        $(this).css('background', '#ffffcc');
                  $(this).mouseout(function() {
                        $(this).css('background', '#ffffff');
                        $(this).find('a').css('background', '');


2)Select Month: As below image shows that date grid is hidden and user is allowed to select only month and year.
Jquery Date picker to select month and year only
      To achieve above customization with jquery date picker, use following code in page onload function.

//replace   selectMonth with your date pickers id here at all places
$('#selectMonth').datepicker( {
    changeMonth: true,      //provide option to select Month
    changeYear: true,       //provide option to select year
    showButtonPanel: true// button panel having today and done button
    dateFormat: 'MM yy',    //set date format
    onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
        var month = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-month :selected").val();
        var year = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val();
        $(this).datepicker('setDate', new Date(year, month, 1));//here set the date when closing.
            $(this).blur();//remove focus input box

      //on foucus event on this code is to hide the calender part
$("#selectMonth").focus(function () {
        my: "center top",
        at: "center bottom",
        of: $(this)

3)Select Year : As below image shows that month and date grid is hidden, user is allowed to select only year .
Jquery Date picker to select year only

      To achieve this customization with jquery date picker ,use following code in  page onload function.

//replace selectYear with your date pickers id here at all places
$('#selectYear').datepicker( {
    changeYear: true,
    showButtonPanel: true,
    dateFormat: 'yy',
    onClose: function(dateText, inst) {
        var year = $("#ui-datepicker-div .ui-datepicker-year :selected").val();
        $(this).datepicker('setDate', new Date(year, 1, 1));
        var strDate ="01/01"+"/"+year;
        $(this).blur();//remove focus input box 
      //this code is to hide the calendar part of year calendar
      $("#selectYear").focus(function () {
        my: "center top",
        at: "center bottom",
        of: $(this)

To download source code of the example go to below link :


How to run after download :
1)Extract the zip file.
2)Open DatePickerCustomization.html in browser
3)This file contains whole source code


  1. Hi Vikram,

    I've been using your code to implement a select week function in my application. I found that it is buggy. If you select any of the days in the first week of August, the month column value changes to -2.

    1. I noticed that too so I fixed it. Add this code to correct the date (I tested it):

      if (date < 1) {
      month = month - 1;
      if (month == 2) { //February?
      if (year % 4 == 0) { //Leapyear?
      date = 29 + date;
      } else {
      date = 28 + date;
      } else if (month % 2 == 0 && month < 8) { //even and between Jan and Jul
      date = 30 + date;
      } else if (month % 2 == 0 && month > 8) { //even and between Aug and Dec
      date = 31 + date;
      } else if (month % 2 != 0 && month < 8) { //uneven and between Jan and Jul
      date = 31 + date;
      } else if (month % 2 != 0 && month > 8) { //uneven and between Aug und Dec
      date = 30 + date;

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