
Friday 1 February 2013

Creating new tabs,closing tab,showing tabs,loading contents in tab and more with Bootstrap tabs

Twitter Bootstrap tabs are very light weight and very easy to use with few lines on code.But if you want perform operations like adding new tab ,adding close button to tab and removing tabs then you need to customise as per the requirement.
Below is a sample example which will allow you to perform below operations :
  • Adding new tab
  • Deleting tab
  • Showing tab
  • Adding close icon to tab
  • Getting element from current tab ( example : if there are two tabs having  textarea with same id or same class name then when $("#someId") will return both the text area from these two tabs this method will take care of this )
Note This example uses bootstrap v 2.2.2 and jquery v1.9.
Download Example Here
Below is demo: (Run below fiddle in full screen to see the proper output )

Click below links to see jsfiddle demo :
 Download Example Here

If you find this post useful please share and comments. Thanks you :)


  1. hi, very good sample !!!
    what should i do to upgrade this sample to bootstrap 3 ?

    1. I think there are not much changes made for tabbing but could you please compare the changes made for tabbing in bootstrap 3 with above code using below link.

  2. I just can say that you saved me because I was looking everywhere for this kind of example. Thank you so much!

  3. The tabs don't render correctly in IE. The close button floats to the right and the label shows on the next line.

  4. Excellent article Vikram..
    How can I load user control (using in newly created tab; Specifically when clicked on Compose Button ??

  5. its not compatible with google chrome

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